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   吴霆,博士,副教授,主要从事图像和光谱检测技术、数据挖掘、深度学习等方向的教学与科研工作。主持广东省自然科学基金面上项目2项,广州市科技计划1项,合作单位主持广州市科技计划重大项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金、省市科技计划项目10多项。发表论文10多篇,其中SCI 8篇,EI 2篇,申请发明专利2项,授权实用新型专利5项,软件著作权7项。获得广东省计算机教育软件高等教育组网络课程2等奖1项,校级教学成果奖2等奖1项,指导学生获得国家级大学生创新创业项目2项,各类省级竞赛获奖4项。COMPUT ELECTRON AGR、J FOOD ENG、 IEEE ACCESS等期刊审稿专家。


  1. 广东省自然科学基金, 多维因子影响下的三文鱼新鲜度无损检测模型搭建及货架期预测研究(2020A1515010834), 10万,2020.05-2023.04,在研,主持。

  2. 广东省自然科学基金, 基于振动光谱和深度学习的三文鱼源属和变质检测机理与方法研究(2018A0303130034),10万,2018.05-2021.04,结题,主持。

  3. 广州市科技计划,分子光谱鉴别三文鱼假冒机理与方法研究(202002030154), 20万,2020.01-2022.12, 在研,主持。

  4. 广东省农业厅培训项目,广东省农村信息员委托培训及服务(201508059),19万,2015.01-2017.12, 结题,主持。

  5. 广州市科技计划重大研发,新一代移动通信网络数据挖掘的关键技术研究及应用(201604016035),200万,2016.01-2018.12,结题,合作单位主持。

  6. 广州市科技计划民生科技类项目,三文鱼假冒与新鲜度无损检测关键技术研究(201903010063),100万,2019.01-2022.12,在研,合作单位主持。

  7. 广州市科技计划,近红外光学手术导航中的精确三维定位关键技术研究(YQ2015091), 10万,2015.01-2017.12,结题,参与(排名第3)。

  8. 天河区科技计划,基于eICIC和CoMP技术的异构蜂窝网络技术研究与应用(201601YH142),10万,2016.01-2018.12,结题,参与(排名第3)。

  9. 广州市科技计划,面向溯源的涉危农业投入品智慧监测平台的研究与示范(201803020033),100万,2018.01-2020.12,在研,参与(排名第4)。

  10. 广州市科技计划,基于农业物联网的精准农业生产中若干关键技术问题研究(2015KTSCX069) ,8万,2015.01-2017.12,结题,参与(排名第4)。


  1. Wu Ting, Ling Yang, Juan Zhou, Dong Cheng Lai, and Nan Zhong. "An improved nondestructive measurement method for salmon freshness based on spectral and image information fusion." Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 158 (2019): 11-19. SCI,IF:3.85

  2. Wu Ting, Nan Zhong, and Ling Yang. "Identification of adulterated and non-adulterated Norwegian salmon using FTIR and an improved PLS-DA method." Food analytical methods 11, no. 5 (2018): 1501-1509. SCI,IF:2.67

  3. Wu Ting, Nan Zhong, and Ling Yang. "Application of Vis/NIR spectroscopy and SDAE-NN algorithm for predicting the cold storage time of Salmon." Journal of Spectroscopy 2018 (2018). SCI,IF:1.24

  4. 吴霆, 钟南, 杨灵. 红外光谱技术的三文鱼肉假冒鉴别. 光谱学与光谱分析37, no.10 (2017): 3078-82. SCI,IF:0.45

  5. Zhong Nan, Yi Peng Li, Xuan Zong Li, Cheng Xian Guo, and Ting Wu*. "Accurate prediction of salmon storage time using improved Raman spectroscopy." Journal of Food Engineering 293(2021): 110378. SCI,IF:4.49.

  6. Yang, Ling, V. Sarath Babu, Juan Zou, Xu Can Cai, Ting Wu*, and Li Lin*. "The development of an intelligent monitoring system for agricultural inputs basing on DBN-SOFTMAX." Journal of Sensors 2018 (2018). SCI,IF:1.59.

  7. Wu Ting, Naiguang Lv, Xiaoping Lou, and Peng Sun. "Automatic 3D point clouds registration method." In Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 7855(2010):785526. EI

  8. Jiang, Hanjing, Juan Zou, Qingxiu Wang, V. Sarath Babu, Ling Yang, Leian Liu, Li Lin*, and Ting Wu*. "Discrimination of Yellowfin Tuna Origin Based on VIS/NIR Spectroscopy Combined with DBN-BP Neural Networks Algorithm." Design Engineering (2020): 707-722.

  9. Chen, Zeling, Ting Wu, Cheng Xiang, Xiaoyan Xu, and Xingguo Tian. "Rapid identification of rainbow trout adulteration in Atlantic salmon by Raman spectroscopy combined with machine learning." Molecules 24, no. 15 (2019): 2851. SCI,IF:3.26

  10. Yang, Ling, Ting Wu, Yun Liu, Juan Zou, Yunmao Huang, Sarath Babu V, and Li Lin. "Rapid identification of pork adulterated in the beef and mutton by infrared spectroscopy." Journal of Spectroscopy 2018 (2018). SCI,IF:1.24

  11. Yang, Ling, Ting Wu, Juan Zou, Yunmao Huang, Sarath Babu, and Li Lin. "Research on Infrared Spectrum Food Detection Technology Based on Markov Distance Singular Point Identification Method." Chemical Engineering Transactions 62 (2017): 1279-1284.



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